Scott Shaverdian
Scott is our lead design geomorphologist and leads most of our Utah and Intermountain West projects. Scott started out working for Anabranch when he was hired to help build hundreds of structures and work on habitat monitoring crews. Scott quickly picked up design and worked as a construction foreman. He has now personally built and designed as many BDAs and PALS as just about any one on our staff. Scott has an eye for detail, but common sense a pragmatism that helps him achieve efficiency. Not only that, but Scott is also a skilled writer and his innate curiosity has really helped us innovate new ways of doing things.
Part of the reason this all came so easy to Scott was his background and training. He earned a Masters in Geosciences from Colorado State University working under Sara Rathburn and Ellen Wohl. Scott is also an avid kayaker, oarsmen and river rat. When he's not getting wet and muddy designing or building something, he finds other ways to keep immersed in riverscapes.