
Nick Weber


Nick is a skilled restoration ecologist and data analyst that runs many of our restoration and monitoring projects in Oregon from our Bend office. As part of the original  Bridge Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed project team, Nick was integral in the refinement of restoration approaches using beaver dam analogues.

After earning a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Montana and an M.S. in Aquatic Ecology at Utah State, Nick started as one of Eco Logical Research's first employees in 2005.  Nick's masters research focused on drift feeding salmonid dynamics, and his recent research has focused on the influence of beaver on fish habitat and productivity. Nick enjoys applying his skills in statistical analysis, GIS, and software engineering to the design and execution of fisheries research and stream restoration projects.

Nick is an avid whitewater kayaker, trail runner, and surfer that currently lives in Bend Oregon with his wife Candace and an assortment of dogs.