Program Manager

Matt Berry


Matt Berry grew up in California and completed his BS in Forestry and Wildlife in1998 at Virginia Tech and has since been involved with fieldwork with various government, non-profit and private agencies.  Matt is a professional botanist with expertise in monitoring Sierra meadows and riverscape systems. In 2021 Matt completed his master’s at CSU Chico, where his thesis research involved the linkages between groundwater and plant species change due to meadow restoration. Matt also works with the US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station as a research fellow on a project focusing on process-based restoration techniques (beaver dam analogs, BDAs) paired with wildfire to restore degraded Sierra headwater meadows. 

Matt’s interests involve indigenous ecological knowledge, cultural land stewardship with the use of fire, ethnobotany, free-heel skiing, paddle boarding, and loves to be out in nature any chance he gets!